User Privacy Agreement

Privacy Policy


Seeed Technology Co., Ltd. (also referred to as “we” and “us”) takes your privacy protection very seriously. We may collect information from you in connection with our products and services. Through this Privacy Policy, we want to explain to you how we collect, use and store information about you, and how you can access, update, control, delete and protect your information.
This Privacy Policy is closely related to your use of our services. We hope that you can read and understand it carefully and make any choice you deem appropriate. By using or continuing to use our Services, you consent to our collection, use, storage and sharing of your information in accordance with these Guidelines. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or related matters, please contact us by sending an email to
This Privacy Policy will help you understand the following:
1. What information we collect about you
2. What we do with the information we collect about you
3. Who we share your personal information with
4. How we store and protect the security of personal information
5. Information retention period
6. Protection of the privacy of minors
7. Revision and change of privacy policy
8. Platform access to third-party SDK directory

1. What information we collect about you

In order for you to use our products and services properly, we will collect information about you under the following circumstances:
1.1. Information you provide to us
1.1.1. Personal information you provide to us when you register for an account (SenseCAP Hotspot Dashboard, SenseCAP Hotspot App) or use our products and services, such as email, region and country;
1.1.2. Shared information you provide to other parties through our services, as well as information provided, formed or stored by you when you use our products and services.
1.2. Information we collect about you
1.2.1. Mobile device information: In order to provide better products and services, we will collect information about your device attributes (e.g., your mobile device model, operating system version, hardware device EUI, hardware device SN, application software version number), information related to the location of the device (e.g., IP address, GPS location, location information obtained from LoRaWAN, Bluetooth or WIFI signals) .
1.2.2. Log information: When you use our application, in order to enhance your user experience, system and exception logs will be uploaded for analysis, including your IP address, customary language, operating system version, date or time of access, so that we can accurately identify problems and help you solve problems during the use of the service.
Please note that mobile device information, service log information alone is information that does not identify a specific natural person. If we combine such non-personal information with other information to identify a specific natural person or use it in combination with personal information, such non-personal information will be treated as personal information during the period of combined use, and we will anonymize and de-identify such information unless we obtain your authorization or otherwise required by laws and regulations.
1.2.3. Information related to smart devices: When you use a smart device, we collect information inherent in the smart device itself and information generated in the process of using the smart device.
1.2.4. Basic information about the smart device: When you use a smart device connected to our products or services, we collect basic information about the smart device, including the name, device ID, online status, activation time, firmware version and upgrade information of the smart device.
1.2.5. Smart Device Reported Information: Depending on the different smart devices you choose to connect to our products or services, we may collect information reported by your smart device. To help you better understand the use of our services, the following smart devices are used as examples, and their reported information applies only when you use that type of service:
For example: when you voluntarily use a sensor-based smart device and connect to the (SENSECAP International, SENSECAP China) Paas platform: if you select one or more smart devices, the corresponding information will be recorded for:
1.2.6. Smart sensors: air temperature, air humidity, light intensity, carbon dioxide, air pressure, soil temperature, soil moisture, soil volumetric water content, wind direction, wind speed, hourly rainfall, distance, leakage, liquid level, NH3, flow rate, total flow rate, sunshine duration, total solar radiation, water surface evaporation, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), soil heat flux, soil tension, water conductivity, water temperature, salinity TDS, leaf humidity, leaf temperature, K content, P content, N content, UV index, PM2.5, PM10, acidity, light quantum, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, noise , Intelligent locator: temperature, humidity, equipment positioning information.
We will not disclose such environmental information to any other third party or use environmental related information for any other purpose not defined in this policy. You can remove/un-authorize the connection of the application to the device at any time by going to Software Devices - Device Details - Device Settings in your mobile device.
If we add a new third-party sharing channel in the future, we will never share your information without your use and consent to that channel.

2. What we do with your relevant information

We may use the information we collect in the course of providing our services to you for the following purposes:
2.1.1. To provide and improve products and services We use the information we collect to provide and improve our products and services and to help us design new products and services.
2.1.2. Other uses with your permission When we want to use your personal information for other purposes, we will ask for your consent in the form of a notification confirmation.

3. Who we share your personal information with

Ltd. will only share your personal information in a way that you are aware of. We will share your personal information with the following participants:
To third-party service providers who provide certain business-related services to us, including website hosting, data analysis, payment and credit card processing, infrastructure provision, IT services, customer support services, email delivery services, and other similar services, so as to ensure that they can provide services to us.
To disclose your personal information to customers and other business partners who directly or indirectly provide you with smart devices and/or networks and systems that you use to access and use our websites and services.
Disclose your personal information to affiliates or other third parties in the event of a reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or a portion of our business, assets or stock (including, without limitation, in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceeding as described above). In such cases, you will receive explicit notice via email and/or our website of changes in ownership, new incompatible uses of personal information, and choices regarding personal information.
We will reasonably and lawfully share your personal information for situations where it is necessary or appropriate to:
(a) To comply with applicable laws, regulations, legal process, policies and/or standards, or the requirements of appropriate public agencies and governmental authorities;
(b)To fulfill our terms of use and other agreements, policies and standards, including investigating any potential violations;
(c) To protect our operations, business and systems;
(d)to protect the rights, privacy, security or property of us and/or other users, including you; and
(e)risk management, detection and identification of illegal, fraudulent, deceptive or malicious activity.
(f) Disclosure of your personal information to subsidiaries or affiliates of the Company for the purpose of conducting regular business activities.
We disclose your personal information to third parties other than those listed above only with your consent.
When you use the services provided by the third party, we will share the corresponding information after ensuring that the third party has your authorized consent and other cases that comply with laws and regulations. You can learn how the third party will handle your personal information by using the relevant information listed in this list. We will also strictly control the third party's access to personal information to protect the security of your personal information.
In addition, in order to ensure the stable operation of the application or to achieve the relevant independent functions, we may embed the third-party SDK in the application. please note that the third-party SDK may change its personal information processing type due to version upgrade, policy adjustment, etc., please refer to the official instructions published by them.

4. How we store and protect personal information security

4.1.1. Information storage
Ltd. conducts business worldwide, so the personal information we collect according to this policy may be transferred, stored and processed between different countries or regions. The applicable laws and regulations in the country or region where we operate may differ from the applicable laws in your country/region of residence, but we will strictly comply with the laws, regulations and requirements related to the protection of personal information. Therefore, within the framework of personal information protection, in order to facilitate our operations, we may transfer personal information to the countries or regions where we conduct business. Our privacy and security practices are designed to provide global protection for your personal information, regardless of where your information is stored.
In particular, personal information collected and generated in the course of our operations within the People's Republic of China will be stored and processed in data centers in mainland China, except to the extent that cross-border transfers are permitted under the provisions of applicable law.
If you would like to learn more about our security safeguards, you can contact us directly through this policy We store your personal information collected and generated in the course of our operations outside of the People's Republic of China in countries outside of the People's Republic of China in accordance with laws and regulations. We will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy and for as long as required by law or regulation.
4.1.2. Information Security
We take commercially reasonable physical, administrative and technical safeguards to maintain the integrity and security of your personal information. Ltd. provides a variety of security policies to effectively ensure the security of user and device information. If you believe for any reason that your interaction with us is no longer secure (for example, you believe that the security of your account has been compromised), Please notify us immediately by sending an email to as follows.
If you no longer need to use the Platform, please let us know by sending an email to in order to cancel your account.

5. Information Retention Periods

We will process your personal information for the shortest period of time necessary to achieve the purposes described in this policy or as required by law or regulation, unless a longer retention period is required by specific legal requirements. We will determine the appropriate retention period based on the amount, nature and sensitivity of the personal information, and at the end of the retention period, we will destroy your personal information.
(a) in accordance with the User Agreement and this Policy in order to fulfill your requested products and services;
(b) When you explicitly request the deletion of your personal information, we set this as a task and no longer retain your personal information.
We will stop retaining and do the deletion of your personal information when we confirm that the purpose of collection and processing of personal information is completed on the basis of (a), or after we confirm your request for deletion or cancellation according to(b), or after we terminate the operation of the corresponding product or service. In general, we will not retain your personal information once the specified retention period has been reached. If we are unable to destroy the information for technical reasons, resulting in the retention of personal information beyond the storage period, we will take appropriate measures to prevent the further use of your personal information, including anonymization.

6. Protection of the privacy of minors

We attach great importance to the protection of personal information of minors, and if you are a minor, we recommend that minors encourage their parents or guardians to read this Privacy Policy and that minors seek the consent and guidance of their parents or guardians before submitting personal information.

7. Revisions and Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may update this policy as information practices change. If we make any material changes, we will notify you by email (sent to the email address specified in your account) or by posting a notice within the Application before the changes take effect. We encourage you to periodically visit the Application for the latest information on privacy practices.

8. Catalog of Third Party SDKs Accessed by the Platform

The following is a description of the names of the third-party SDKs we access, the purpose of their use, access to information and links to their official websites, so that you can better understand the use and protection of your personal information:
(1) CodePush
Package name:
Usage scenario: Used for app updates on mobile phones
Purpose: Mobile app updates
Information shared: Device identifier AndroidID
Sharing method: SDK collects locally
Third party company: Microsoft
Privacy policy or website: GitHub- microsoft/react-native-code-push: React Native module for CodePush
(2) Expo
Package name: expo-cli
Usage scenario: Assists development
Purpose: As a base component, used globally
Sharing method: SDK collects locally
Third party company: Expo
Website link: Privacy Policy — Expo
(3) paypal
Package Name: paypal
Purpose of use: used for payment of goods, to help users to pay for charged goods
Acquisition information: service commodity purchase ID and status
Third-party company name: paypal China
Official website link: PayPal foreign trade _ foreign trade collection _ customised services and payment solutions for sellers - PayPal China
(4) Huawei HMS SDK
Personal information types involved: basic application information, device identifier within the application, hardware information of the device, basic system information, and system settings information
Purpose of use: push notifications
Usage scenario: used for pushing notifications on Huawei mobile terminals
Third-party entities: Huawei Software Technologies Co., Ltd.
Data processing method: through de-identification, encrypted transmission, and other secure methods
Official website link:
Privacy policy: Document Center
(5) Honor Push SDK
Personal information types involved: anonymous application identifier (AAID), application token
Purpose of use: push notifications
Usage scenario: used for pushing notifications on Honor mobile terminals
Third-party entities: Honor Terminal Co., Ltd.
Data processing method: through de-identification, encrypted transmission, and other secure methods
Official website link:
Privacy policy: Privacy Policy
(6) Meizu Push SDK
Personal information types involved: device identification information, location information, network status information, and operator information
Purpose of use: push notifications
Usage scenario: used for pushing notifications on Meizu mobile terminals
Third-party entities: Zhuhai Meizu Communication Equipment Co., Ltd.
Data processing method: through de-identification, encrypted transmission, and other secure methods
Official website link: Meizu Open Platform
Privacy policy: privacy policy